When I read my comments these days, I found out that the lovely Ceren from the Blog tomwaitsforme.blogspot.com Blog awarded me with the „Liebster!“ award.
Wow! If that’s not cool, then what is? :)
Thank you so much, I am really thrilled about this and I love to participate.
You guys surely ask yourself right now: „What’s this fuss all about?“
Let me enlighten you:
The „Liebster!“ award is an opportunity for new bloggers – on the one hand to get to know each other better, on the other hand to get to know more people, who will read and fall in love with their blogs :)
Here is the to do list:
1. Each nominee must first list 11 random facts about their self.
2. Then answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated them.
3. Lastly, choose 11 bloggers, who have 200 followers or less and ask them 11 questions.
So, first things first!
11 random facts about me
1. It is pretty easy, to set me on fire. Not literally (I hope so), but when you tell me about an idea and I think it’s really great, I will be totally in! I love to give new things a try.
2. I am a really reliable person. When you’re my friend and you’ve earned my trust, I will never let you down. Never.
3. DIY and creativity is my religion. I can’t seem to do anything about it. My head is always spinning with new ideas and things I want to craft or write. That’s why my desk at home is full of notebooks.
4. I am a really ambitious person, sometimes even overambitious. When my goal is set, I want to achieve it and unfortunately, I am pretty impatient, too. That’s an explosive mix, because sometimes it can be a tightrope walk between „I am so motivated, I can achieve everything!“ and „Oh my god, this will NEVER work out.“.
5. I love sushi, pasta, pizza and most of all: chocolate. Everything (except the sushi part) that’s poison for every woman’s hip :D
6. I am always taking care of everybody else, more than for me.
7. I confess my newly discovered addiction for nail polishes. Since I’ve started to craft earrings and used nail polish to craft the gems, I am addicted. I keep all my little treasures on a shelf, which is rapidly getting overcrowded :D
8. I hate paperwork and I hate unfriendly customers. Why can’t we all be nice to each other? This would make things so much easier!
9. People keep asking me, how I manage to be such a creative girl. Honestly? I don’t know. I don’t see myself that way and I can’t tell, where it comes from. It just seems to stick around.
10. I dream about finishing my first novel. Even I have creative vacuum space, sometimes, so I have to let it go for a while. The ideas will come to me, when I least expect them.
11. I am madly in love with my boyfriend.
The 11 10 questions, Ceren asked me
1. If you can listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
That’s a really tough question. I would choose a song, that is emotionally neutral to me, because maybe someday I don’t want to be reminded of special events, that will then be in the past (wow, that sounds complicated! :D).
I would probably choose „Ironic“ from Alanis Morissette. Isn’t life ironic, most of the time? ;)
2. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship & do you believe in them?
Yes and yes. I am quite acquainted to long distance relationships and I believe, they can work out. It is a hard piece of work, but it’s not impossible to manage. My current relationshop changed its status from „long distance“ to „live together“ :)
3. Would you prefer watching movies or reading books?
I definitely prefer reading books. I like watching movies a lot and there are really good ones, but reading a book is completely different to me. I can get lost in an awesome story – for me it is like taking a break and going on vacation. A great book creates a movie in your head.
4. How would you describe your style?
Most of the time I am wearing clothes in which I feel comfortable. That doesn’t mean, I am walking around in hoodies and jogging pants, but I am totally okay with jeans and a nice shirt. Still feminine, but no drama queen style.
5. How much time do you spend for your blog on a daily basis? Do you have any routines about blogging?
Since I am writing for two blogs, I spend at least one hour on a daily basis, if you look at it on an average. There are days, when I simply don’t get any work on my blogs done, but I am trying to keep them filled with new posts.
I have no such thing as a routine about blogging.
6. What’s your favourite piece of clothing (I mean like skirts, shorts, dresses, shirts, etc.)?
My favourite piece of clothing are jeans, I guess. They are comfortable and nice looking at the same time. Plus, you can wear them in black or blue – I like that ;)
7. Where do you live and do you want to move to a different place someday?
I live in Germany. Right now, I can’t imagine to live somewhere else, but who knows what the future has in store for me?
8. Do you think you can know some one by only reading their blog? Do you think blogs are sincere enough and really reflect the truth?
There are more answers to that question, than only one. Surely, you can get to know someone in some ways, by reading their blog. But it depends enormous on the person and the blog. It’ll be a different thing, if you are writing only about nail polishes or search engine optimization, or if you have a blog, that’s actually about personal stuff.
I think, every blogger, who is really into the topics he/she is writing about, gives away something of himself/herself. But you still have to distinguish between the „online person“ and the „real person“. There is always more to someone, than just the online-self :)
9. Do you like cooking & what’s your favourite food?
I LOVE cooking and baking. No surprise, that my other blog is a food blog :) My favourite food is everything, that’s tasty. Sushi, pasta, pizza, but I also like healthier food like potatoes and rice and vegetables, and… and… and… ;)
10. What are some of your favourite blogs?
Regarding my huge RSS and Bloglovin Feed, it seems impossible, to pick just some of my favourites. I really love Lucie Marshall’s Blog, babybirds and ohhhmhhh.de.
But I also love my 11 nominees, of course :) And so many others! Please don’t be mad at me, because you’re not listed right here, right now, but I adore your blogs as well. Pinky promise.
My 11 nominees are:
1. Aleksandrah’s Blog
2. Clara OnLine
3. Die Checkerin
4. Fios Welt
5. Foods made with love
6. Frau Zuckerwatte
7. Frollein Keks
8. Last Queen – Beauty, Lifestyle and Fashion
9. Lucie Marshall
10. Miss Elaine
11. Textverliebt
My 11 questions for the nominees are:
1. Do you have any pets? In case you don’t, do you wish for one?
2. What are you grateful for?
3. What is your favourite book and why? How many times have you read it?
4. What is your greatest addiction?
5. Why did you became a blogger?
6. Which was the happiest moment in your life?
7. Do you believe in supernatural stuff? In case you do, in what exactly?
8. If you had one wish, what would you wish for and why?
9. Do you like christmas?
10. On which things do you spend your money? Any remorses about it?
11. The classy question: If you went on a lonely island: Which three things would you take with you?
Feel free to be part of this lovely award :)
I am looking forward to your blogposts! Please let me know in my comments, when/if you published :)
:) danke, ich lese es mir in den nächsten Tagen in ruhe durch und beantworte es. Warum sind die fragen eigentlich auf englisch? Nur so als Frage, sonst ist doch auch alles auf deutsch.
Liebe Grüße,
Na klar, hat keine Eile :)
Ich hab’s auf Englisch beantwortet, weil die Dame, die mir den Award verliehen hat, kein Deutsch spricht (ein paar andere Follower bei mir auch nicht :)). Aber Du kannst es auch auf Deutsch beantworten :)
Oh dear, I haven’t seen the comment, shame on me >.< My other blog is about food, but I only publish in german there: http://www.ich-bin-intolerant.de
I keep my fingers crossed, that your LDR becomes a living-together relationship someday soon :) It will be awesome, I promise :)